An Average Canadian Cuts His American Ties

I am an average Canadian. I watch hockey, I buy groceries that come mainly from the U.S and I drive an SUV that was made in the U.S. Most of my information about the world is filtered through U.S. news outlets. I go to sleep on my American-made mattress purchased from an American big-box store. I’m not surprised when I hear that Canadians buy more American goods and services than any other country. I am what you could call a loyal customer and have been for decades. No more (“

Tariffs Go Into Effect on Canada, Mexico,” Page One, March 4).

President Trump has made it clear that he doesn’t need or want my business. He has suggested the U.S. doesn’t have any need for any of our products or resources. If he thinks about us at all, it is as another piece of land to acquire, not a real country.

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