Ben Perrin aka “BTC Sessions”
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Earnity’s virtual event “Protecting Your Crypto: Self-Custody Wallet Options and Developments” and BTC sessions will be held on January 31st from 4-5pm EST.
– BTC Sessions
SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, Jan. 26, 2023 / — Earnity, a social crypto platform and marketplace, announced today that it will host a virtual expert panel discussion, “Securing Crypto: Wallet Self-Storage Options and Development,” on Tuesday, January 31, from 4 p.m.- 5pm EST, 2pm-2pm PST, 2am-3pm MST.
The event will help the crypto-curious to understand the basics of crypto wallets, walk users through how to create a wallet, explore the growing number of wallet options available, and cover security measures. Ben Perrin, Canada’s most popular YouTube Bitcoin trainer, widely known by the nickname “BTC Sessions” derived from his YouTube Bitcoin training channel, BTC Sessions, will be Earnity’s speaker at the event. Perrin, along with Earnity Moderator and Communications Director Arielle Lapiano, also explored more advanced concepts from key lessons learned from the FTX crash to crypto wallet innovation.
“I’ve hosted my educational Bitcoin YouTube channel since 2016 because I’m passionate about helping newcomers get off to a good start by presenting educational material in an easy-to-digest way,” said Perrin. “I’m excited to be one of the growing number of Bitcoin experts working with Earnity to share practical advice and explore innovation in the crypto space.”
“BTC Sessions is highly respected and widely recognized as a leading bitcoin educator, and we are excited to showcase his expertise at Earnity,” said Dan Schatt, CEO of Earnity. “Now more than ever, verified, actionable, expert-led crypto education is needed, and Earnity partners with trusted, credentialed experts to provide easy access to the highest level of crypto expertise and training available,” he added.
Full details of the event are below.
Protecting your crypto: Wallet self-storage options and developments
Tuesday, January 31
4-5pm EST, 1-2pm PST, 2-3pm MST
The FTX collapse provided a poignant reminder of the crypto refrain: “No keys, no crypto” (or “no keys, no your coins”). The saying stems from the philosophy that investors can only truly control their crypto when it is held in a wallet (which stores and manages the private keys associated with the user’s crypto) to which the investor has a lock and key. More experienced crypto investors are very familiar with this concept, which is called “self-preservation”.
Unfortunately, the recent FTX frauds, exchange bankruptcies, and other crypto exchanges left many investors wishing they’d been keeping a closer eye on neither your keys nor your crypto. Our panel will help investors understand the options available now and how self-storage can evolve in response to the challenges of 2022.
-Discuss the differences between holding bitcoin and crypto on an exchange and in a wallet
-Learn about the different wallet options available and how you can choose the one that best suits your needs
– Explain how to set up the wallet
-Share the risks associated with setting up a wallet
The webinar is part of Earnity’s recently announced expert speaker series via BigMarker. In these panels, Earnity, along with crypto industry leaders, shines a light on crypto markets, crypto trading, crypto investing, crypto financial planning, crypto tax planning, and related macroeconomic trends and news developments affecting the crypto market and industry. .
Future crypto expert panel topics include: FTX Crash Consequences, 2023 Financial Planning, 2023 Tax Planning and more.
Registration is free and can be done here:
This event follows Earnity’s past events:
Cyber ​​Security Best Practices for Crypto, by cyber security expert Craig Sixta, Chief Security Officer of Earnity, and Caroline McCaffery, Founder and CEO of ClearOps.
Tax-Loss Harvesting Strategies for Crypto, crypto investment executive Ryan Firth, founder and CEO of Mercer Street Company and Sharon Yip, founder of Polygon Advisory Group.
Buckle Up: Navigating the Recession with Crypto with experts Dara Albright, founder of DWealth Education; Adam Blumberg, Founder, Interaxis; Nick Reilly, founder of One Day Advice; and Jackson Wood, portfolio manager, Freedom Day Solutions.
About Earnity
Earnity is Silicon Valley’s community-based crypto platform and marketplace where users can learn about crypto through the community and share, buy, donate or create crypto collections. Earnity’s focus on creating a smart and welcoming community of verified users makes crypto easier to understand, more accessible and safer. Connect with @JoinEarnity on Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter.
Arielle Lapiano
+1 917-841-8805
[email protected]
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