A Lawsuit Targeting Gun Makers Would Hit Us All
Can the flutter of a butterfly’s wing cause a hurricane half a world away? Can stepping on a …
Notable & Quotable: Hamas
‘Militant Islam did not grow out of ideological inspiration alone. It must also rely on two immediate factors: …
America Still Needs a Covid Reckoning
Why does nobody want to talk about the most tragic breakdown of leadership and ethics in our lifetimes? …
The NIH’s 15% Cost Cap Isn’t Strict Enough
In her Feb. 25 op-ed “A Compromise on University Funding,” Harvard Prof. Maya Sen recapitulates the mantra of …
Is DEI a Roadblock to Military Recruitment?
While Mike Gallagher makes several fine points about military recruitment in his Feb. 25 op-ed “Bring Warriors Back …
I Wasn’t Fired for ‘Inadequate Performance’
In “ Trump Layoffs Hit Probationary Workers” (U.S. News, Feb. 14), U.S. Office of Personnel Management officials are …