Your credit cards are an easy target for hackers and thieves. If you don’t want to be the next victim of credit card fraud, it’s important to know how to protect your cards from theft and hacking so that you can rest easy knowing your hard-earned money isn’t being stolen right out of your pocket. Here are 10 ways to protect your credit cards from hackers, along with tips on when you should call your credit card company to report fraud and what steps you can take to ensure that your accounts stay safe in the future.
Use A Credit Card Instead Of An ATM/Debit Card
The best thing to Protect Your Credit Cards is safer than using your ATM/debit card because when you use a credit card, you’re protected by federal law if your personal information is compromised. If there are any suspicious charges on your account, contact your bank or credit union immediately and you’ll likely not be responsible for that charge.
You might even be eligible for identity theft protection services like being reimbursed for lost funds or tax preparation fees. If you don’t want to risk having your identity stolen but still need access to cash in an emergency, only use ATMs located inside banks.
Use The Front Pocket Of Your Bag
If you wear a bag on your shoulder, try this to Protect Your Credit Cards. try carrying your credit cards in that pocket. If you’re wearing it cross-body style, put them in your inside jacket pocket.
The harder it is for a thief to get into your wallet, especially when they have to deal with a zipper, buttons and snaps (or even an RFID-blocking shield) as well as hide their stolen goods under their clothing—the less likely they are to swipe at all. And if you don’t carry one with you, take advantage of safe deposit boxes or lockers at work or near home.
They may not totally prevent unauthorized charges but they might be enough of a deterrent that criminals will go after someone else instead.
Store Credit Cards In A Safe Place
If you’re one of those people who has multiple credit cards, keeping them in a safe place is extremely important. You should never leave your credit cards or debit cards in a public place like a gym locker, for example. Even if you don’t have them on you, leaving your information unattended is opening yourself up to identity theft and fraud. If you can’t carry all of your credit cards at once, consider keeping duplicates at home so that they are always with you while leaving copies in other places where they won’t be stolen or tampered with.
Deactivate Old Cards And Don’t Share Numbers
If your credit card information has been stolen, you should know the best solution to Protect Your Credit Cards you may be inclined to cancel your old card and order a new one. But that’s not always necessary—the easiest way to protect yourself is by deactivating old cards and not giving out personal information.
If you must share your numbers with someone, keep them away from devices that could be compromised (like computers or smartphones). Before handing over a card number at a restaurant or gas station, ask if there’s an alternate method of payment. It’s better than exposing your personal info in exchange for 20 cents off a gallon of gas.
Cover Credit Card Scanners When Entering Information
Skimmers are devices that capture card numbers and expiration dates when you slide your credit or debit card through them. Make sure you cover scanners at ATMs to Protect Your Credit Cards, gas stations, and restaurants with your hand as you enter your information; these are a favorite places for hackers to install skimmers.
You can even hold an anti-static wristband on the keypad area of an ATM as you input information; it will prevent any outside access.
Keep An Eye On The News
As technology advances, so do new ways to steal credit card Knowing what not to do to Protect Your Credit Cards is often as important as knowing what you should do.
For example, if you get a phone call and are asked for your credit card number or other private information by someone claiming to be a representative of your bank or credit card company – won’t give it out! The companies will never call you asking for private information; they already have it in their records. Scammers know that by getting a customer service representative on the phone they can convince them (and even trick them) into giving away access to a card number.
Avoid Hovering Over Public Computers Or Crowded Areas
One of the quickest ways to become a victim of credit card theft is by leaving your credit cards on a public computer or in a crowded area, where they’re vulnerable to hacking.
If you need to use public computers, there are few precautions you can take. For one, turn off sharing features and log out of your accounts before leaving your computer unattended. Also keep an eye on other users that may be standing too close while watching their screen, looking for signs they might be hacking into your account. Additionally, if you’re going online with a mobile device or tablet, don’t leave it unattended – even if it’s locked.
Thieves can still swipe sensitive information with just your device in sight—so never assume it’s safe!
Do Not Accept Help From Strangers Who Offer To Type Numbers For You
Many ATMs are equipped with a no-hands option, which allows you to complete transactions without even touching your card. While convenient, it could be giving thieves access to your account.
If you need help remembering your PIN number, don’t ask a stranger for assistance—they may be trying to get into your account so they can drain it later on. To avoid letting strangers access your account, never use an ATM that looks like it’s been tampered with or appears out of place.
Also, make sure you know who’s behind you when using an ATM, and consider keeping some cash at home just in case something goes wrong.
Watch Out For Phishing Email Scams From Banks Or Financial Institutions – Here Are Some Tips To Avoid Them
Banks and financial institutions will never ask you for information via email. If you ever receive an email that seems to be from your bank asking for your username or password, delete it immediately. Also, if an email seems vague about where it came from, be suspicious. If a message doesn’t come straight from your bank with a link or attachment labeled as such (something like Please see attachment), do not open it.
Change Passwords Often
Shocking as it may be, many people use passwords that are easy for hackers to guess. A group of researchers recently analyzed millions of login credentials leaked online and found that a substantial portion were six characters or less in length. And though you may think you’re being clever by using personal information in your password—such as birthdays or pet names—that makes it easier for hackers to crack too.
Choose strong, unique passwords for all your accounts and change them frequently (every couple of months at least). this is the daily tip you should do to Protect Your Credit Cards from Hackers
With more and more credit card data getting stolen in cyberattacks, there’s never been a better time to safeguard your financial information. Keep these tips in mind: Sign up for email alerts if you haven’t already; check your statements regularly (most of them are easy to access online); and finally, contact your bank or credit union if you notice suspicious activity or unauthorized charges.
It’s far easier—and less costly—to deal with these issues as soon as they happen rather than hoping they’ll go away on their own. The faster you react, the better chance you have of keeping criminals out of your wallet—and off your back! If that doesn’t convince you to take credit card protection seriously, nothing will.
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